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Thursday, 9 December 2010

Info Post
I am starting a Jesse Tree today, regrettably, rather late, but starting nonetheless.  I sense God working in this already, and am excited to see what treasures He has waiting in His Word for me.  You might enjoy this experience too, if you don't mind catching up a bit on what you have missed.
I am pondering what it means that I am grafted into the line of Christ, as I read Isaiah 11. Several years ago, in an apartment just a little ways down my street, I knelt and asked the Lord to show me what it meant that He was my true Father.  He was listening, but I can't say that I really expected Him to be, at that point in my life.  What followed was a journey of several years through the wilderness.  Many things on that road I could have done without, but I do truly believe He is my Father...I trust Him more, myself less.  That is the victory won in the wilderness.  But today I find myself wondering...what does it mean that I am his 'daughter'?  He is the great King of Kings, and to be called 'daughter' is no small thing.  The God-Man who humbled Himself and came to be born in a manger is my brother, and we share the same Father.  Just writing this rivets my soul...but not as much, my life.  I am part of an incredible story of redemption, but as I live out my days, I do not always walk in this truth as I could.  I hear Him calling to me, reaching out for my hand, to walk down this road, to discover what it means that I am His daughter.  I am ready.  Ready to walk closer to Him, ready to be more of who He had in mind on that first cold day in November, and before, when He knit me together.  This season is about Him, and how fitting that He is growing new life in my soul.  What an honor to be called 'daughter'.  


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