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Saturday, 29 January 2011

Info Post
Hello kind friends, who listen to my soul breathe here, and patiently watch as God undoes my messes and remakes me into the image of the Selfless Savior. I have come to love redemption...any kind of redemption...whether it is the remaking of an old piece of furniture, like the table I refinished and now love...or the rebuilding of a life, as I see God working in my students....or the forgiveness offered to and received by a close friend...or what God has done in my life over the last several years. All of it speaks to me of the great power and purpose of what Christ did for us on the cross. I have long known the Gospel...but as I have come to know Christ (and not just all the 'rules' for being a 'good Christian'), I have drunk deep of my own need for redemption. Is this not the glory of the Good News, that we actually do need Him? That I need Him, and this is not just a business partnership, where I do all the right things so I can be blessed and welcomed into eternal bliss? No, thankfully, my broken soul is being remade day by day, and I am seeing greater glimpses of Truth as it bursts into me, my family & friends, and my every day life. As I get closer to marriage, I anticipate more remaking, more undoing, and more reminders that I am not on the throne, but instead the Great God, my Father. I am excited, too, to see God use my mistakes and His remakes into beautiful things to help exactly He will do this, I do not know, but I am eager to be a part of the story God is writing in others, as He makes us all into the beautiful tapestry I remember my dad speaking of from the pulpit...we see the mismatched threads and knots on the back, but God sees the beautiful design He is making out of this messy world. What a joy to live in the Kingdom. And to think, the best is yet to come!
Check out Ann Voskamp's website for marriage reflections leading up to Valentine's Day 2011...


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