I was blessed this weekend with the humble, gentle, Christ-like presence of my mother. Today she celebrates a life lived twice as long, and...
Active Rest
This phrase has been rattling around inside me lately...I first heard it when out in CO and my life was falling apart. A friend mentioned t...
DESIGN TEAM CALL (till 6th March)
We are looking for additional members for our Design Team. Would you like to be part of the SendASmile4Kids DT ? You would need to have an a...
His ways are higher...
I'm reading a great book, recommended by a dear friend who you can find here , and also by my love. It is challenging me, which I expe...
The Joy of the Unknown
Is this an oxy-moron, I wonder, to find joy in the unknown? Or could this actually be the essence of walking with Christ? I think the latt...
Welcome to the 4th Challenge for SendASmile4Kids New challenges will be posted on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month. THE THEME IS : ...
Dancing in the Rain (or Snow...)
I think I am learning...hopefully! We, my Pastor-love and I, took dance lessons in the fall. We didn't always do it perfectly, but the...
Monday, Monday
How can you capture a day in words? Today was wonderfully challenging. God brought out some of my ugliness, like any good father would, so...
Choosing Gratitude
Why does this seem like such an impossible feat? Why do our hearts, or rather, why does my heart so often default to resentment over gratit...
What makes the Son shine?
There are always moments in the day when the clouds roll back and the Son shines--the tyranny of the urgent becomes less urgent, ...
Welcome to the 3rd Challenge for SendASmile4Kids New challenges will be posted on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month. THE THEME IS :...
Discovering God's Love
How much does God love me? As a teacher, I see the love-void in kids’ lives all the time. Each and everyone of us, young or old, are livi...
Love Song Contest
Hi guys! For all you romantics out there, you could win a love song custom-written about you and your sweetie! Or, even better, you can ...