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Sunday, 27 February 2011

Info Post
I was blessed this weekend with the humble, gentle, Christ-like presence of my mother.  Today she celebrates a life lived twice as long, and perhaps twice as well as mine.  I do hope to have the faith she has in 31 years.  Small things, and large things, made me remember again how blessed I am to call her my mother.  She has faithfully raised 8 children, teaching the Gospel through her life of few words.  In fact, I believe my mother has preached more sermons to me by the way she lives, than the words she says.  Although I would recommend listening closely when she does speak...out of her mouth flows wise counsel on relationships, healthy living, and the spiritual life, as well as constant encouragement.  She came to celebrate my upcoming marriage celebration and all the festivities preparing for that event requires; and although it was her day, when asked if she had any birthday wishes, her only wish was for the details of my big day to go well ( about that dress from China is going to be late?!)  She implored me to stop and pray and ask the Lord to work, because of course, "He is not surprised by this...."  And then after she prayed, (and I stubbornly pouted) with a tear in her eye  she encouraged me with the reminder that God possibly had something else in store for me..."Maybe even a better dress!"  Today I celebrate my mother.  I can't say how blessed I have been by her faithful prayers, hundreds of encouraging notes and emails, and delectable homemade goodies.  As I enter into marriage, I realize I am not half the woman she is, but I certainly have had an incredible model to take with me into every day and every situation.  Thank you, Mom, for being you, and for trusting God with everything (including having faith in ME, as I delight in the fact that 'He who began a good work in me, will complete it'....Hallelujah!)  What a blessing it is to have a godly mother.  Thank you, Lord.


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