To place confidence or depend; to commit or place in one’s care or keeping; to rely on the truthfulness or accuracy of. (Tyndale NLT Study Bible)
Trust. My One Word for 2012.
As the days of December fly by, I feel like I should write a recap of my year focused on trusting God. But a recap might imply that my year of learning to trust Him is complete, or that I’ve learned all there is to know. But nothing could be further from the truth.
Learning to trust God with everything, all the time, is an ongoing process because it’s so easy to fall back into depending on myself.
It takes a conscious effort every day to give it all to Him—and then leave it with Him. Not taking it back to worry a little more about it. Not snatching it away when He doesn’t act as quickly as I’d like.
Trusting God means waiting on Him, knowing that His Way is best.
It means seeking His Will for my life, asking Him for guidance and wisdom in every decision and situation.
It means spending time in God’s Word, growing closer to Him and learning all that He wants to show me.
Some days are easier than others. And some days feel like a test.
I’ve learned that when I depend on myself, I find myself confused, stressed, worried, distraught, and far from God.
But when I depend on God, He walks with me every day. He comforts and gives me peace.
Trusting myself leads me to act on emotions and feelings that are so often mixed up and out of control.
But trusting God leads me to wait on Him and act with His guidance and in His Truth.
Trust in God doesn’t mean everyday will be happy or a good day. But trust brings joy found only in the Lord.
I’ll have a new One Word for 2013, but my focus on trusting God first; instead of after I’ve exhausted myself will continue. Indefinitely.
You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Trust in the Lord always,
for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Trust in the Lord always,
for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.
Isaiah 26:3-4 NLT
Did you have a One Word for 2012? How did focusing on one word impact your daily life?
In Christ,
Linking up with Sharing His Beauty, Grace is For Giving, Soli Deo Gloria, Just Write, Into the Beautiful, and God-Bumps & God-Incidences.
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