Today it was my husband, again....with humble, sacrificial grace to serve me, listen, and give, in response to my less-than-graciousness...and so I know, as I end the day, that I am loved...
And a small phrase, from Dr. Sproul, Jr., as he spoke from the pulpit on the first chapter of Phillipians. I don't know that the words that stuck with me were even directly related to the passage, as worries from last night brought fitful sleep and I was not fully cognizant of all that came from the pulpit this morning. But alas, there it was, sticking out like a neon sign..."Do you know what is the hardest thing for a pastor....?" I didn't know, and was curious, so my ears were pricked, as I waited for an answer. I wasn't sure I would like his answer (in pride), but perhaps that is why it struck me all the more.... "The hardest thing is that they love you...." Wow. And into my mind poured memories of so many that have loved me, friends, family, my dear Savior, and my precious husband. I think of Paul the Apostle, and how he groaned and was burdened 'til Christ was formed in his churches.
Isn't this love? The bearing with one another, the taking up of our crosses, the giving up of our rights, so that someone other than ourselves can grow, be blessed, live.
Tonight, I remember (a bit early) that I have been loved. Psalm 78 captures it so well, as we reflect on all God did for his beloved Israelites. What if we were to reflect on all God has done for us, not as a rote exercise, but as a love letter from our Father, who bled love for us through his Son, and does it each day, through those around us who love us for the sake of Christ, to finish the work He began. that I may love....
May the sweetness of that Truth bring you dreams that are even sweeter...
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