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Monday, 15 August 2011

Info Post
What is it on your list that seems hardest to get to?  Is it the laundry, the bills, that important phone call, or the important date with either your significant other or your God, my God?

For me, this past month, it has been my time with the Lord, the elusive Rest that is only to be found at the feet of Christ.  And yes, this does happen most often during busy times, such as the upheaval of a move that we have been through, but this Rest is something worth fighting for!

This weekend, we, my love and I, fought to carve out time alone, away from home, just to relax and reconnect.  It is so hard to get that on the calendar and then get away!  But it is even harder with God, I find, to really connect my soul, to His eternal Wellspring of Life.  Always an interruption, something silly or something big and important (or so we think...)

Today I remember and reflect on the God I have come to know, who is always faithful to FIND the busy moments and in the slow moments, when I am distracted by this world and all that threatens to draw me away from Him.  I put a Memorial Stone next to this Jordan...and cross over into the deep peace and rest that are mine for the taking, in the Promised Land of Life in Christ....imperfect and yet still so life-giving in this world.  While we all long for the true Heavenly Rest that is to come, I take comfort and delight in My God today, and remember all the times He has come running to find me when I am lost, and nowhere within His reach.

Wherever you are, He will find you too....


UPDATE:  Link to great blog post on REST and the creative process here...


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