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Wednesday 15 June 2011

Info Post

Hello friends,

Just read a blog post that really was encouraging...and thought I would pass it along. Catch up with Megan Miller as she discusses, Loving Well in Moments of Crisis. It is hard to love well when life is hard, isn't it? Especially with the ones closest to us! The challenges seem to bring out the best and worst in us, and honestly, it is so much easier for me to think of myself and my needs when life turns unkind. We have a major life transition coming up next month (make that transition number....??) *smile* But needless to say, there's been lots of change these past few months-year, and there is more to come. Florida is waiting for us, and we are getting excited (some days) and anxious most other days. The questions plague us: Will we find the job, church, doctor, grocery store, you name it...that will make it feel like home? And then I have to remind myself: Ruth, this is not your home! Your home is in heaven, and you are simply traveling through this world, to the true life that awaits us in heaven. Maybe if I could keep that perspective foremost in my mind more often, this transition would be a little easier.

What do you do when you are dwelling on your circumstances, and not your Savior? How do you draw your mind closer to heaven? Please share!

Until later,


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