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Friday 1 June 2012

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I'm seeing things in a new way.  The trials, they still press in, but I'm seeing the purpose in it all (praise God, I'm finally learning!)  Seeing God's purpose in pain is a not something that comes easily for me.  And I'm guessing it's not easy for you either.  I'm not sure if that is just because of our human nature, desiring comfort over pain, or if it is because the pain is often so unexpected, or some other reason, but nonetheless, we all feel it.  I have a friend at the summer camp where I worked during college summers, who always said, 'don't waste your pain.'  Another way of thinking about that is, 'learn to see with God's eyes.'

God sees us.  In fact, His eyes roam throughout the earth to strengthen us, those of us who are fiercely devoted to Him.  Seeing like Him.  Suffering like Him.

Seeing with God's eyes is also a choice.  Choosing to see the good in a situation, choosing to see things we can be thankful for, rather than seeing only the pain, the frustration, the disappointment.  We must fix our eyes on Christ, and that (as I'm sure you know) takes a whole lot of spiritual muscle.  The author of Hebrews uses the word 'fix'.... not only does it imply that we have to use lots of effort, but it also makes me think that our eyes need 'fixing'.... (my interpretation)...our eyes must be healed, just like the blind man's eyes were healed.

Choose to see today.  Choose to see with God's eyes today.  He is choosing to see you with the eyes of Calvary.


**Join me every Friday for Gypsy Mama's Five Minute Friday link-up!!


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