....he patiently pursues you amidst many difficult circumstances
....he listens as you share, yet again, your woes
....he finds the perfect ring, plans the perfect honeymoon
....you want to be a better woman because he is such a great man
....he moves across the country with you, leaving everything behind, to start a new life together
....he is willing to support you in your emotional ups and downs
....you look for ways to make each other smile
....he is willing to go for plan B, when plan A doesn't work out, even if it means the budget will be tight
....a weekend staying in is just as fun as a weekend going out
....you love making the perfect meal for him (even if that means lots of beans, and lots of pancakes :)
....you are each willing to give up big and small things for the sake of 'us'
....praying together is the glue that keeps it all going
....making memories is just as (more so?) rewarding as making money
....each new day holds an adventure just because you will be doing it together
Just a few of the things I am thankful for this Valentine's Day. Hope your memories with your love are just as special.
You Know It's Love When...
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