Wait and trust the Lord.
(Psalm 37:7a NCV)
Last week I wrote about God-Sized Dreams—a dream we feel called to, while knowing it can only be accomplished through God. But what about the dreams we can’t identify? Sometimes a God-sized dream is more of a feeling. A feeling that God is calling us to do more…but He hasn’t shown us what we’re supposed to be doing.
In that case we have two options…rush ahead and try to figure it out or trust that God will give us more than a feeling in His own perfect time.
Which option would you choose?
In my experience, option one doesn’t work out so well. While I may be praying, I’m not listening. Although I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing, I convince myself that I have God’s plan figured out and I rush ahead to act. When I look back, I see that God hasn’t moved forward with me. I didn’t hear Him say “wait” because I was too busy taking it into my own hands and trying to control His plan.
Option two is to wait patiently, knowing and trusting that God has it all under control. Waiting patiently is not easy. I want to be doing something. I want to get started on whatever His plan is. But that’s not how it works. Sometimes God gives the feeling of a dream long before He reveals what the dream is.
That’s what happened to me.
Last year, I started my blog for the purpose of hosting online Bible studies for women. It wasn’t my idea. It was God’s.
I’m employed in church ministry, but for at least a year prior to the idea of an online study, I had a very real feeling that I was supposed to do more. More of what, I had no idea. But the feeling was undeniable.
I mentioned it to only a couple of friends, and when I talked about it, I felt like I was bubbling over with energy and excitement. I still didn’t even know what I was excited about, but I guess that’s how a God-sized dream is. You can’t help but feel energized thinking about it.
During that time, I continued to pray and trust that when He was ready, He would share the plan with me. As I look back now, I see that He was preparing me to step outside of my comfort zone. I knew nothing about social media, nor did I want to learn, so this was a huge leap for me. Without the year of God growing the feeling of a dream in my heart, I most likely would have quickly dismissed the idea of an online study. I think God knew that. {smile}
In Christ,
Linking up with Write It, Girl, On Your Heart Tuesdays, Just Write, Winsome Wednesday, Women Living Well Wednesdays, and One Word Wednesday.
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