Four Walls
The span of my love exist between four walls
No greater than the reach of my arms
No wider than the stretch of my legs
Just far enough out of ear shot
Of friends realities and reminders that failure is built in a four walled fantasy
It's hidden deep behind brick
Drowned out by jazz
Coupled with fingers that play my body like a Chello
Outside voices have no place here
The corruption of that sound would destroy the Godly hour
We share hours in the morning that live off humility
My love exist between four walls
Where pride attempts to creep in but fails time and time again
Where rational can be met by emotion
And emotion can be rational
This vortex of Four Walls knows no time
It only knows lips ...
Touches ....
Embrace ....
It knows memories
The walls around sweat our story
on summer nights and & cold winter days
Where heat does no justice to our unified body temperatures
My love lives in societies purgatory
The greatest things are always met with disbelief
We are Alchemy
As the hardest medals we create more than Gold
This story, however, falls short of deaf ears
because it is caught by clasped lips
Only he, I and God can truly understand ..... us...
Oh, and those four walls that is ....
By: Sasha Kelly
The was a beautiful piece a friend of mine allowed me to share with you. Four walls, it used to be all about that with us. I wonder where that disappeared too. The new age antics have replaced the privacy of only "we know" with the look at me shock appeal of "now you all know". Or the other side of it you have the eyes that pry and turn the 4 walls into the lone safe haven. Those walls can be your true friends. Companions that will never reveal the intimate secrets they witness. Yeah we all need friends like that.
The was a beautiful piece a friend of mine allowed me to share with you. Four walls, it used to be all about that with us. I wonder where that disappeared too. The new age antics have replaced the privacy of only "we know" with the look at me shock appeal of "now you all know". Or the other side of it you have the eyes that pry and turn the 4 walls into the lone safe haven. Those walls can be your true friends. Companions that will never reveal the intimate secrets they witness. Yeah we all need friends like that.
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